Thursday, November 09, 2006

Hope for Peace?

I struggle with what to do with the things I have seen and heard about our government. Right now I am in the process of watching a long movie about the current peace movement in the US. Its a long movie and I have had to split it into three parts so far, I hope to finish it tomorrow. Reliably these kinds of movies make me angry (maybe frustrated would be a better word) at the blatant disregard for life that governments seem to display for the people that are in the way of money.

Collateral damage is not a term that should ever be applied to people. As far as I can figure it means that the military goal is more important that the people who are destroyed in the process of trying to accomplish it. What goal can be that important? I have not been convinced of its importance and I consider myself pretty well informed. I try to listen to a broad range of opinions an sources of information about the world around me. I regularly listen to the Presidents podcast alongside of Uprising and Democracy Now. One might ask, and I think it would be the presidents stance, that I dont really need to understand. After all I am just a simple civilian and these kinds of decisions, like the value of massive military operations, ought to be left to those who are most qualified to make them. Fair enough. But if I recall this is a government of, for and by the people. Im one of the people! I think every one of the reasons for the war that we were given up front has fallen through. Most notably, the weapons of mass destruction. Sure didnt find any of that there. But even the claim that the occupying force would be liberating the country from a dictator rings a bit hollow with such continued violence. I dont think it is as simple as removing one man from power to cure all the ills of that part of the country, obviously this has not occurred.

It also feels too simplistic to blame all the problems with the war or the event of the war at all on one man. I find it hard to believe that George Bush is the mastermind behind the entire war and money making machine that it has been. If it were just him then he would have to be a super-genius to have pulled the wool over everyone's eyes. It has to be the entire US governmental structure that needs to be examined. how is it that we can have our priorities so askew. It really troubles me.

The most troubling thing though is what to do about it. Protesting doesnt seem like enough. Even though the peace movement is potentially the largest and most grass-roots movement that has existed in the recent history of this country, the war continues. There are rumors and the beginnings of organizing a massive massive action in DC on the anniversary of the war next year, I plan to be there. With my camera. I pray for wisdom for all who would risk themselves to give hope to those crushed in the machine. I pray for the boldness to be one of those people who would so risk.

If you dont know what im talking about check some of these out and see what they tell you:

The Peace DVD
Why We Fight
A People's History of the United States, Howard Zinn
Democracy Now
Uprising Radio

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